Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Just a dot...

Do you remember where you were 6 years ago? What you were going through? The things that were going on in your heart/mind?

I remember. I had just moved back to my home town after being gone for 6 years. I packed my entire life and my little 18 month year old Lulu into my car and a Uhaul and drove away from a life in AZ. 6 years later...I look back at it and wonder how the heck I did it all! I now realize it was just a dot. Just a tiny dot on the line of my life.
The things that were brewing in my life 6 years ago, the painful, crappy, sad, depressing things that hurt so bad are long and distant memories. A dot. A dot that no doubt shaped me, broke me and turned me a little bitter and angry...but somehow etched my heart to be a little softer today.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, we all have little things in our lifes, I like to call them dots (thanks Ryan Meeks) that seem HUGE on the daily, but years later we realize they aren't that huge or maybe they are enoremous at the time and we wonder how we will ever get through them. But those things/dots shaped the shit out of us. And I say shit because it is/was, and that stuff makes us who we are.
So today, I'm holding onto "it's just a dot". And I'm so thankful that it's just a dot.
And most importantly my 9-5 does not mold me. I won't let it.  It's not my calling.
I'm living proof that, it is just a dot. 

sorry for the intense emotions here people...

6 years ago


Loosy said...

Amen sister. Amen.

Heather Conniff said...

AND, thank God your dot brought you home to us! Everything happens for a reason, it all becomes part of our life resume. Love you!

Brieanne said...

I thought this was going to be a post about a pimple. ;)

Tanya (a Taste of T) said...

You put this so beautifully Megz. 6 years ago my dot felt GYNORMOUS too. I was going thru a divorce, I got home one night and the Ex changed the locks on our house because he didnt like me having friends over to our house while he wasn't living there. That's when I found out he would circle the block to see who I had over. I'm so happy I'm done w/ that dot.

Unknown said...

Great post Meg! I can't believe it, it feels like a lifetime ago you made your move from Az. to Wa. Oh the dots of life.

Meg said...

And those dots are what shape the people we are....without them, think how blah we would be. I bet you found a strength you never knew you had. Pretty remarkable and brave what you did Meg.
And please, explain to me what an '18 month YEAR old is' :).

Meghan said...

HA! 18 year old...you know me and gramatical/spelling :)


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