Monday, September 1, 2014

Middle School

Arianna Joi! You my little lady are starting middle school tomorrow. TOMORROW! Middle school.

You have your outfit picked out. Your backpack is ready to go and you were in bed by 9:20pm. I think I'm more nervous than you....not bad nervous, just nervous. It's a big deal. You are riding the bus, changing classes, changing clothes for PE and going to be a lot further away from home. You will  meet so many new people and teachers and you are going to have some major sweaty pits in your grey dress that I'm really worried about.
These next 3 years lots of things will change. Friends will change, you will change. You will probably start talking to boys and hopefully not kissing them...
Ari, I love you. I know I drive you nuts and I freak out over stupid stuff, but just so you know, I will continue freaking out over stupid stuff  Because I love you. You will always be my little girl. I will be protective and ask lots of annoying questions and why so and so isn't talking to you or you aren't talking to them. Just so we are clear, I will ask a lot of questions.
Remember to be kind. Be honest. Be strong. Be confident. Be a great friend, a good listener, and most importantly be yourself.  Don't forget deodorant after PE and don't shave the bottom of your head like I did in junior high.
I can't wait to hear Briggs ask "where did sissy goooo?" 500 times tomorrow.
Love you Lulu,

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