Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Lately. Life has been pulling on my heart strings.

I feel like I have so much more appreciation for the little things. Sunsets, wisteria, gardening, having a made bed. I feel like I'm settling in to being at home more and feeling more comfy teaching.

Things are slower. Calmer. Less crazy. Amen.

A little quote I stole from BrookieBrooke's instagram:

Sometimes I need to only stand wherever I am to be blessed - Mary Oliver

1 comment:

Jocelyn said...

ok, i have a confession. lastnight (and it was a beautiful night) we were at the park (bennett, luke, me and little boy in my belly), and they were on top of the slide and they were cracking up and the lighting was just so perfect and i said quietly to myself 'thank you god'. seriously. the simplest things do it to me these days. happy for you!


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