Tuesday, February 12, 2013


It's Tuesday!
Who knows! My week days feel like weekends these days.
Life is cray cray. Can't seem to keep up with everything, but I wouldn't want it any other way.
Here a little bit of what's been going on this week.

Big B-Ball Game
1st Hair cut
Someone is about to walk (not) but almost
Visit with girlfriend Sienna
14 days of Valentines is in full affect right now!
I would have an even amount of photos of my children, but my little Lu is rarely home. With sports, rehearsals for her play, play-dates, sleepovers...I'm missing her. I get her all to myself for the next 6 days though. WOOT WOOT! Not letting her outta my sight,


Tanya (a Taste of T) said...

Is that you climbing through a window? I can't believe those two are standing and chatting. Man time goes by fast. Speaking of which, Ari looks like a grown up.

rae said...

love you. miss you. just sayin. xo


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