Tuesday, March 13, 2012


{We got circumcised}
And had a little photo shoot.

And this my friends makes my heart swell.
Because he'll never be this small again. Ever.
And the lady behind the camera just knows how to capture the moment.

 Briggs and I.
6 Days Old.
Please ignore my man hands.
He is tiny which makes my hands look that much larger.


Meg said...

breathtaking. And died at your man hands comment. You look beautiful. But I always love a person that can make fun. What a doll Meg...What a love!

Anonymous said...

As if checking your blog before baby briggs wasn't a favorite pastime of mine! This picture is beautiful. I look forward to seeing more pictures as he grows :) Your family is too cute!

Heather Conniff said...

OK, you look really good, not like you had a baby 6 days ago. If he was 8lbs, your hands would like tiny...although he has big hands!Cannot wait to see these pics, they are going to be awesome. xox


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