My baby's daddy has been grossing...I mean growing out his facial hair for going on two months now.
Last night he disappeared for ten minutes, and came out looking like this. {I thought the glasses gave him a nice touch, and I'm trying to be funny like sissy}
SO wrong, where did he get those shades? I call Movember the 2 months of a great cause but not attractive men. There are very few guys who actually look good with a stache. You are funny, BTW! XOXO
7 comments: there a reason behind his lumberjack look?
Mustache November to raise money for prostate cancer.
Great cause! I shouldn't complain.
I like it!!!!!! :)
Meg - how does growing a mustache raise money? is like a contest?
Ugh-Greg is doing the same thing. Vomit. Good cause, but why do they have to make themselves so repulsive???
That is a great cause! I am just thankful that my hubs doesn't grow facial hair that well!
SO wrong, where did he get those shades? I call Movember the 2 months of a great cause but not attractive men. There are very few guys who actually look good with a stache. You are funny, BTW! XOXO
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