Thursday, November 22, 2012

Dear Zeb

Hey Mr. B,
I'm thinking I need to write you a little love letter. It's been to long since my last one.

I am thankful for you.

For supporting me through this mommyhood from 1 to 2 children.

You have stood by me 100% (ok, maybe 90%...but then you always come back around after that 10% has hit the dust)

Thank you for loving our kids. Being Patient. And kind. And learning to grow with this family.

Thank you for always taking out the garbage cans on Sunday night. I'm so glad you put that reminder on your phone. It honestly makes me happy.

Thanks for always telling me I need a winter jacket and rain shoes. I love that.
I'm so grateful for where we are...
And where we are headed.

Thank you for letting me quit my job and never questioning it.

Thank you for always wanting to be with me. Always.

I love how you say we are on the same team. I think we just grew a little. xo

I pray daily for you and I pray that I will always show you how thankful I am for you. I hope that age and years don't change that.

Thank you for always sending me songs to listen too at work.
And understanding my addiction to taking pics and checking instagram. For bringing me an extra cookie.

I'm thankful for you. That I'm your wife.

pic via jkbphotography

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