Friday, March 29, 2013

Hello, soon to be 34

As I about to turn the big 3-4, I thought about my last year birthday post. I always make a list of things I hope to accomplish in that given year and I love to look back and reflect on that year. As I went back and read my heart got all pumpy. I always get anxious and wonder what I really followed through with. I love looking back at my thoughts and what my goals were a year ago.

Here is my list from last year:
This 33rd year of my life, I hope to do the following:

Breast feed until I'm 33.5 (yes, who knew this would be MY goal) DONE!
Get in crazy good shape (with Hot Yoga and trying Crossfit) I did hot yoga once and crossfit once and I think I'm in my best shape ever. Thanks Fly.
Eat better (not necessarily cut out chocolate or cookies, but eat more greens and organics) My pantry now holds quinoa and organic crackers...
Read more (yes, I say this every year, but really read more even if it is other peeps blogs) I'm gonna say this didn't change much. Started many books and didn't finish one. I HATE THAT. I couldn't even finish 50 shades...
Walk (I really love to walk) Did this A LOT, almost everyday when Briggsy was brand new
Read my Bible (I'm not going to say everyday, that would be really hard (for me) and then I'd feel guilty for not doing it, so I'm sticking with reading it more) Still working on this one
Write more letters (send em via snail mail, we ALL love getting good mail) I think I wrote two more than normal...
Wear less high heals and more flats (I saw on the Doctor's show what heals do to your feet, sick!) HECK YES. I don't even know the last time I wore heals.
Try something new with my career (I'm gonna leave it at that) This one got me. And I finally followed through with it!
Drink a ton of water (less alcohol) I only got one little liver and it's been through somethings. Drank WAY less. Love my camel back water bottle
Get my hair cut every three months (better than twice a year) Still 2 times...
Get inspired (by others, reading, working out, around people that inspire me) I think this is what my new job is all about. 
Make things right with my sister (I gotta do this) Best one yet, reunited and it feels so good. Love my sissy pants.
Vacation with my family (this is always a must) We actually went to hawaii. And Cali. And AZ! 
Call my dad more (Take. The. Time) Working progress
Listen to more music (I used to have music on 24/7...I've lost this a little bit...don't like it) HA! This is practically my living now. I make playlist all day long!!! 

The thing about all of this, it keeps me in check. Some of it makes me so happy and others make me realize my weaknesses. So looking forward to the next year. 

Now to make my goal list for next year! 

1 comment:

Tanya (a Taste of T) said...

This made me cry. I'm SO SO SO proud of you! Look at what you accomplished in a year!! Can't wait to look back as old ladies and see the magic you accomplished in a lifetime #madlifeskillz #soinspiring


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