Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Please watch this. It will make you laugh...hard. Seriously, watch it.

Tonight, Coaster Boy and I (along with L Tizzle and Beav) attend our first birthing class.

{yes, birthing class. It's been awhile since Lu was born and Zeb needs to know how to tell me how to push just like Bill Cosby}

I'm really looking forward to the 1970's film of natural childbirth.

It's like hair coming out of hair (my favorite line from Up All Night)

For all your momma's who gave/gift birth naturally. I applaud you. HUGELY. I will be drinking my epidural down with a vat.



Mrs. Pancakes said...

Billl is sooo funny!

MrsAngieW said...

Salad spoons - priceless!


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