Wednesday, December 2, 2009

ummm got my shorty pants from JCrew....

And let's just say, they aren't that shorty on my legs. I should always buy shorty pants so I never have to get them hemmed! So now I have cute little pants that go to my heals. Not my ankles.

Can I roll them to make them shorty? How sad that I have to get shorty pants hemmed to be short!!?!??!?! LOL. Gotta love the shorty legs.

jcrew thanks for the image.


kateigh said...

yay! Love these!! I think I will have to add this to my never ending christmas list to myself!

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love these shorty pants!!!

Jenn Hancuff said...
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Jenn Hancuff said...

meghan- I have the same problem!! Every pair of pants, regardless if they say that they are petite, short, or made for us that have "pegs" for legs.. still hemming. All we can do is laugh and make our tailor our best friend!! But they are cute, the pants that is.

Sarah K said...

I'm laughing...every pair of pants I own are "shorty pants"...not b/c I want them to be! Even "longs" tend to hit me at the ankle. So needless to say, I'm glad "shorty pants" are IN! ;)

Meghan said...

Sarah! That is hilarious....

Jenn...maybe we should start our own shorty pants line??

Unknown said...

The Minnie's? Love 'em. I got a pair too. :)


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