Friday, August 29, 2008


To sweep or not to sweep. THat is the question.
Not sure what to do with my fabulous hair....or not so fabulous. Yesterday the braid thing was totally working and today...i hate my hair. HELP! Do i need a sweep or a swoop? I'm thinking i need a wig!

Other questions of the day
- am i acting weird?
- how's ari's last day of preschool?
- are my jeans totally 80's?
- do u you really know?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have all the answers.

1. Yes to the sweep/swoop. It would look SO cute.

2. As oppose to every other day?

3. Pretty awesome I bet. Lots of hugs.

4. NO. They're the cutest jeans ever. I've been staring at your ass all day.

5. No. Do you?


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