Monday, February 4, 2013

A bazillion

I feel like I have a bazillion things to blog about.

My mind races every time I start a blog post. I write a sentence and delete and that goes on until I get too distracted by my phone or Facebook or something totally lame to finish my thoughts.

So here goes:

1. I'm overly proud of my daughter these days.
2. I still feel like I'm dreaming with my current job sitch,
3. Briggs is almost a year. A YEAR.
4. Lu's had a sprained ankle, has been sick and now as a jammed huge swollen finger.
5. She is Bee #1 and a Dove in her school play. Perfect little roles for her.
6. Coaster Boy started a new job.
7. He's amazing. I love growing in this marriage with him.
8. I'm a certified cycling instructor.
9. I need workout songs.

Just a couple deets to keep up.


Hope everyone in blog land is happy/healthy.

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