Thursday, December 27, 2012


Happy 10th Birthday Arianna - Lulu Bear.

I can hardly believe you are double digits. Since you came into this world 10 entire years ago you have been a complete joy. Seriously. You were such an angel baby. Such a funny little toddler. And you are becoming such an amazing little lady. My heart beams with pride having you as my daughter. You are so laid back and don't get overly excited or sad about anything really (sometimes this worries me). You are so even-keeled and I so wish I had more of this trait. Tonight after I tucked you into bed, after we washed your face with your new fancy face stuff from Nonnie you said: Meme, thanks for everything today. And that my dear, sums you up. Simple. So very sweet. Kind.

BearBear (still your fav thing)
Music (Taylor Swift)
Sports - favs are volleyball and soccer
Cart Wheels - you've gotten sooo good at them
Animals - always have always will
TV - drives me nuts
Wearing leggings - everyday
Wearing socks to bed - everynight
Spaghetti - although as of late I would say you would pick french dip over spaghetti
Cesar salad
Your Friends!
Playing make believe (love ease dropping on your girls, yes...I do)
Your bro bro - love watching you two love on eachother
Reading (yes, you LOVE to read and I LOVE this about you)
Itouch - almost as addicted as I am to my iphone
Food - you wanted me to add this to the list. xo
Making list - you love making list and writing little stories. You are such a great writter Ari, I hope you always write.

Things you HATE:
Brushing your teeth

I love you so much Lu. The last 10 years you have brought so much joy to my life.

Happy Birthday little lady.


Turner Family Blog said...

Happy Birthday Pretty Ari!!!

Heather Conniff said...

Teary, just cannot believe she's already 10, she's the best! :)


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